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Blogging for beginners | How to start a Blog

How to start a blog

In today's time everyone wants to do part time job to earn some extra money. People often do job for money but job is right for those people who have their full time, but most of these people are those who want to do part time job because they spend half of their time in doing their important work but they also want to earn some money in their spare time. Students and housewives are some of the people who keep searching for online part time jobs, so for such people the blog fits perfectly.

Top reasons why people start a blog

  •  want to build an audience to grow their business
  • want to earn passive income
  • want to quit a 9 to 5 job and to become their own boss
  • wants to do part time job
  • student or housewife who don’t have time to do full time job start blog in their spare time

There are many ways in which you can earn money from your blog. For many bloggers, their blogs serve as their main source of income.

Most of the new bloggers fail because they do not know properly, how to start blogging. With the right knowledge of blogging, you will not only be able to start your blog easily, but you will also be able to make your blog successful and earn a lot of money through your blog. Starting a blog and being successful in it is an art; the more you learn about blogging, the more you will be able to master blogging. Here we will give you the exact guide stepwise, following which you can create a great blog. So let's get started.

Blogging for beginners | How to start a Blog

STEP 1. Decide a Niche for your Blog:

Choose Blog Niche

There are several important choices you'll have to make before you get started. The first step to create or build a blog is, choose your blogging niche. A blog niche is basically a topic that your entire blog will be about. Well, you can also choose a multi niche but being a beginner we recommend you to choose a micro niche.

When the content of your blog is on-topic, you will attract an audience interested in learning about the particular topic you write about. Your audience will find it difficult to keep up with you, if you write about a lot of different and unrelated topics.

Two approaches of selecting the blog niche are:

  • Select the niche you are most interested in and about which you know enough, so that you can follow your passion and enjoy your blogging journey.
  • But you have to keep one more thing in mind that the topic you have chosen is profitable or not. Choosing the niche on the basis of market factor is the key to earn money from your blog.

A combination of both will be the best pick for your niche.

STEP 2. Choose a Platform for your blog:

Blogging Platform

When it comes to blogging for beginners, it is very difficult to maintain and update your blog. So you will need to find a blogging platform that is easy to use and easy to maintain.

There are many free and self-hosted blogging platforms, from which you can choose as per your convenience. Some of them are

  • Wix
  • HubSpot CMS
  • Gator
  • Blogger
  • Tumblr
  • Medium
  • Squarespace
  • Ghost
  • Weebly

For many new bloggers, starting a blog using a free hosted platform like Blogger or Tumblr is tempting but these free platforms also have some limitations, you will always be subject to their rules and restrictions.

If you're serious about starting a blog, you'll need to start paying for full services and a custom domain name sooner or later.

We recommend you to start with Wordpress. The world's most popular blogging software, WordPress is now used by over 43% of all websites on the Internet. It is an open source free blogging platform that lets you create your website or blog in minutes.

You must be wondering why I chose Blogger over WordPress? Actually I started this blog to help people not to earn money but I don't get much time to invest on this blog. That's why I chose a free platform where I don't have to worry about capital and maintenance.

STEP 3. Domain Name and Hosting:

Domain Name And Hosting

Domain Name is the address of your blog, with this people will be able to search your blog and read your post. Decide a name for your blog, make sure it is short and catchy, easy to pronounce and type so that it is easy for your visitors to remember or find your blog. After deciding the name of your blog, search the domain name to find out whether it is available or not. And if it's available, buy it right away, before it's taken by someone else, otherwise you will have to change the name of your blog.

Now it is the time to select a reliable hosting service, hosting is essentially where your blog and its content will be placed. The working capacity and performance of your blog will depend on your hosting provider. That's why it's really important to choose a very good hosting service that includes reliability, speed and customer service.

STEP 4. Setting up Wordpress:


After your domain name and hosting is done, now you have to setup WordPress in your hosting. Installing WordPress on your hosting is very easy. To install WordPress, you go to the control panel of your web hosting; there you will see the icon of WordPress. Click on the WordPress icon, then choose your domain name and follow the next steps, WordPress will be installed on your hosting within a few minutes.

STEP 5. Select a theme and design your blog:

Wordpress Theme

After installing WordPress, now you have to design your blog. To design your blog, you need to install WordPress theme. To install WordPress theme, you can go to Themes in Appearance and click on “Add New” to install your favorite WordPress theme, there you will easily find thousands of free WordPress themes.

You can either download a free WordPress blog theme or choose a premium WordPress theme. After installing the WordPress theme, you can go to Customize in Appearance for setting the theme and design of the blog; from there you can design your blog.

Once you've installed a theme, don't worry if it still doesn't look the way you wanted. To make it attractive, you need to fill it with your valuable content, photos, video etc.

You can choose a different theme at any point as you continue to set up your blog. The pages and content you create will automatically be shifted to a new theme layout.

STEP 6. Write and publish the Blog Content:

Content Writing

You've set up a domain name, selected your blog hosting site, set up a blog theme, your framework is complete here. Now this is the moment you were waiting for, for which you were doing all these frills, now you can actually start blogging. You have to work very hard to create your content, it not that easy. There already is tons of material in the internet for almost every niche. So you have to be really creative and informative about it. Consider the points given below to write your content.

  • In addition to fresh and unique data, make sure you provide your users with the latest, genuine information.
  • What matters most is the value your writing delivers.
  • Google do not rank copied content, so don’t even think to copy content from other sites. Take your time to create content that is unique and provides a value to your visitors so that they come back for more.
  • Make sure the title and subheading are specific and reflect exactly what the subsequent content suggests.
  •  Make sure you write content that is easy to read and understand.

In addition, you will need to make your content more engaging and easy to digest with photos, videos and graphics based on the topic of your content.

STEP 7. Promote and Grow your Blog:

Promote Your Blog

You have created your blog and it may be the best blog in the world, but if no one is reading it or it is not reaching anyone, then all your hard work will be washed away. You need to make constant efforts to promote your blog and bring it to the attention of the readers. This is done by promoting your blogs in a right and efficient way.

There are several ways to promote your blog. Let's take a brief look at some effective ways to promote your blog/website.

·         Search Engine Optimisation

SEO plays an important role in building your website through which you will get organic traffic to your website. Once Google starts listing you as one of the top search results, you will definitely start getting new readers day by day. Some basic SEO hacks: titles, keywords, optimized images, etc. that you should know to make your page SEO friendly. You can use SEO plugins to optimize your content and pages well, and add optimized images with the appropriate alt tags.

·         Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, SlideShare etc are your true friends here. They will drive a lot of traffic to your blog if you have created high quality content. You should use the social media methods that best suit your niche and style. You can build a social following base if you post a link to your latest content on your accounts.

·         Internal links

An internal link is a link from one page of one website to another page of the same website. Internal links are good for SEO. Provide your readers with more resources for further reading or in-depth reading.

·         Commenting on other Blogs

Find and connect with other blogs in your community. Share your thoughts, ideas or just compliment on the comment section. This is a wonderful way to build relationships with top bloggers who have good traffic to their blogs.

·         Paid Promotions

Well if you have budget and you want results in less time then you can try paid promotions too, such as Social media advertising, Search engine advertising or Content discovery platforms. A proper plan and right strategy can ultimately help you to increase traffic to your website with this method.

STEP 8. Earn Money from your Blog:

Money Blog

If you want to start a blog as an income source, then here comes the final step of your overall efforts to build a website/blog. You have done all the necessary and difficult tasks to create a beautiful blog. Now it’s time to make money from your blog which is not that tough.

But you have to keep one thing in mind that at this time you need to be patient. Because assuming that you are going to make money in just a couple of weeks or months, you are making a mistake. It will take time, but once capture a large number of viewers; there are a number of methods you can use to monetize your blog.

Most popular ways to earn from your Blog are :

  •          Affiliate Marketing
  •          Google AdSense
  •          Selling Digital Products
  •          Selling Services
  •          Selling Sponsored Post
